Monday 22 September 2014

Minority Report shot-by-shot analysis

Shot 1

The medium-close up angle allows the police officer to have a conversation from the view of his shoulders-upwards. It also shows more than one person and allows to see facial expression on more than one face. The medium close up shows less background and more close up which shows you what kind of person, mood or scenery is being shot. It also shows us the Police Officer which makes us have more of an idea of what he is like and his emotions. His facial expressions show that they are determined to catch who they want to catch. 

Shot 2
The wide/establishing shot angle shows us the location of where this next scene is taken place. It shows this type of background which is an alley way where they begin to build tension. It shows more background for the audience to imagine what's going to come next for e.g because they are in an alley perhaps they'll be a fight.  

Shot 3 

The close up shot angle shows us the characters facial expressions. His facial expression shows fierceness which implies he's ready to fight. It also shows he's in an alley way which could mean he is at a dead end. The close up shot show the emotions of the character and gives up an idea of may come next.

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